Welcome to Bangladesh
Shipping Agents' Association
Bangladesh Shipping Agents' Association (BSAA) is the sole licensed trade
association for shipping agents comprising over 500 reputed members
handling vessels in Bangladesh ports.

To be an effective and efficient maritime administration
transforming Bangladesh into a globally competitive maritime nation.
To achieve sustainable, safe, and secure shipping, cleaner oceans,
and enhanced maritime capability through effective regulation,
coordination, and oversight of maritime affairs.
Resolve problems faced by its members and to make a positive
contribution to the long term progress of the ports and shipping
industry in Bangladesh.
Benefits of Membership

BSAA represents the interests of shipping agents in Bangladesh and
advocates on their behalf with regulatory bodies, government
agencies, and other industry stakeholders.
Access to exclusive industry news, updates, research, and resources
to help them make informed decisions and remain competitive in the
Access to various marketing and promotional opportunities, including
listing in the association's directory, sponsorship of events, and
participation in trade shows.
Training programs, workshops, and seminars to help members stay
up-to-date with the latest industry trends, best practices, and
News & Events
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